BMW S58B30XW12+ Engine Build
BMW S58B30XW12+ Engine Build
Power output rate: ~ 1200 hp
Recommended boost: up to ~ 3.1 bar (~ 45 psi)
This is our entry level build with additional main bearings swap. Capable of around 1200 hp. We've tested this build with boost pressure of ~ 3 bar (~ 42+ psi) for multiple pulls and thousands of kilometres/miles without any issues.
Build consists of:
+ IRP Gold Line Pistons (OEM Compression Ratio and Specs)
+ IRP Gold Line Rods with Custom Age bolts (OEM Length and Specs)
+ IRP Studs
+ ACL Rod Bearings
+ OEM Cylinder Head gasket
+ NGK Spark Plugs incl. specific gapping
+ All OEM parts needed to be replaced
> All assembly work is done according to the BMW working order
> All torque and degree specs are according to BMW specs
> All custom parts are installed/set according to manufacturer *we are working extensively with IRP to achieve the best results.
> Complete engine block clean and reassembly with new OEM parts (what is necessary to be replaced)
+ New OEM main bearings
+ New Oil Pump
> Disassemble the crank and replace the main bearings with new OEM ones
! For engines with more than 30.000 miles / 50.000 km - we strongly recommend new main bearings and new oil pump
Cylinder head upgrades are not included. You can find them in the section Cylinder Head Build.
We are available for further questions and information.